My life is better than yours..

Visst laser jag bloggen, men bara det far mig att inse att jag ar en sa mycket battre manniska an dig..
bryr mig inte om skitsnacket jag ar har och du ar i skitlandet :) Du har "vunnit" jag har "forlorat" det ar sa omogna manniskor ser pa saker och ting.. ser saker som tavlingar..
det ar sanna saker som far mig och hata sverige

usch.. makes me sick ...


Vissa delar stammer, men 90% utav laten gor inte det, sa ta inte at er.. den fick mig  bara att ma battre..
BTW, I got a secret .... ;)

All i got to say PUNCH IN YOUR FACE.. you know why? Because I can :)

They call me princess @ work.. you know why? Because I am ;)

They also call me Sunshine, you know why? Because they like my smile..

I dont need to be like the others.. ugly, "rich", and let other people plan my future.. Cause im independent enough to make my own decisions.. Im maybe sweet enough to read that kind of bullshit.. But im also sweet enough to move on .. and go on with my life.. And for your information, If I see anymore of that kind of bullshit again, because SOMEONE has to much free time.. I dont know you anymore, because this is between me and you and no one else.. i'm not writing down in my blog what happened because im not like that, im just writing down my feelings because I dont have anyone to call overhere, and this is the easiest way to explain to you and my friends how I feel.. so dont get upset.. Now you know.. now they know.. you know how to reach me....

My life in London, Is FAB right now .. Because my mother is OK. Im OK. My brother is OK.
What more can I ask for? i've been fighting for this since I was 14 years old, The day I decided to make a Difference in my own home, AND finally.. is everything how it should be!
I followed my dreams I've had since I was 13..
My mother didnt feel to good because she had her own issues, but she always told me that I could do whatever I wanted in life..
And all i ever wanted was to work.. really hard.. Make my own money, and be happy..
My father wasn't really there for me when i grew up, neither my mother, As I said, she had her own problems to take care of, wich I respect.. because I got then a really good reason to grow up..
that made me realize what I really wanted to do in life..

As Im walking out from work.. breathing in the english air.. looking to my left, and then to my right and crossing the street.. I suddenly realized.. "shit, I live in London now" .
It took me one whole fucking month to realize it.. And for the first time in my life.. Im really proud over myself.
To get this far and to only be 20 years old is a big thing for me, Leaving the depressing country (sweden) and move in to the reality .. is a huge thing for me, because this is the first time EVER, that I get the chance to think about myself..
I still think about my family every day, wondering what they are doing, how they are.. if they need my help. But I tell my mother that everyday.. Just tell me whenever you need help with the economical part.. I will always be there .. I already Bought some things for my mother, that she is getting when my lovely girls gets back to suede..

Btw, Im taking some french lessons @ work, Maude is teaching me some french!
Every morning "Bonjour, Maude"
"Ca va, shirin? "
"Tres bien, y tu?"
as you see, its not only work work work.. its also some language lessons at work.. as my grandmother is half french I think it would be great to know some french words and also for my lovely girls.. I LOVE YOU GUYS, J'TAIME!!

I dont know why im writing this shit in english I guess im starting to feel a little bit english at the moment.. but that's a good thing..right? :P


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