back so soon?

Things are different now..

Kom precis hem.. Heelt seg, degar i soffan nu och väntar på uncle Rich ska bli färdig så ja kan hoppa in i badet efter!! Hur som helst så kommer ja till svea i november!! Yeeey! 12 till den 18e :)) längtar som bara den!!
It's alive!
Heellow, mkt som hänt senaste tiden och ja har verkligen ingen lust till att blogga! Men ja ger de ett försök idag :)
Just nu är jag på jobbet och ruttnar!
Fick en glad nyhet.. Min kusin har flyttat hit till the united kingdom hon bor i wales/cardiff så ja har varit där o hälsat på :) hon köpte en jättefin ögonskugga åt mig #urban decay ..
Men ja uppdaterar mer lite senare nu ska ja smälta maten :)
S x
It's all about the dreams you have, not about if people think if you can reach them or not..
After a certain time you start to realize who is actually there for you and who is not,
Who is telling you the truth and who is lying,
Who will be your friend til the end and who will forget about you and pretend that your friendship never existed.
Outfit and cupcakes
Tshirt - Primark
Skirt - New look
Shoes - Kurt Geiger
Belt - Primark
Cupcakes baked by me!
Birthday cupcake for Nicklas, well now I am too tired to even think, so Good night people
Maybe you should eat makeup so you can be pretty on the inside b-tch ;)
Yes, you're not blind, these people are camping outside, I was supposed to do the same, So cred to myself that I managed to sit there for 11 hours! and then my back and my stomach started to scream for help So health obviously comes first so a Taxi home and straight to bed!
Do I regret that I didn't stay over night? Yes a little bit BUT it's not me, I can't sleep on the streets.. not on purpose at least.
and also im not willing to sleep on the streets just to see some famous people for 5 min and then thats it? unless Sean Faris is going to propose then ofc I could do that ;P haha
however, Nice for you guys to pop in and check if i've updated, and sorry for not doing it so often, but I just don't know what to write about :(
"Dear blog, I went to the shop today and bought some veggies"
"Dear blog, I'm catching a cold"
Dear blog, There's this freaky girl on facebook that writes down her whole freaking life on fb, please tell her to stop?"
That's pretty much how it would look like if I updated every day! :)
Well well, enjoy your evening guys, Im gonna go and watch myself in the mirror and tell myself that I am beautiful :)
hahahahaha Lovely had a girl in my school that used to do it, Hats off for her! she was great! :)
Walking in and out of the toilets in school and u could hear her in there talking to herself "Damn I look good!" and then come out pretending nothing happened! :D
Do my bum look big in these?
Ok guys, Here it is..
I Can't remember when I did some shopping and felt this pure happiness running through my body! I found TWO pairs of jeans and they were CHEAP! Do u know what it means!!? My calfs and my bum or my thighs, everything is just a mess hahahaha so when it comes to finding a pair of trousers it takes me AGES! So today I found TWO! and I spent £15 = 150 kr And I dont know what to say!
Also got two pairs of leggings :) My sweden trip will be amazing now HAHA
here are some pictures :))
Amazing isnt it?! :D want another pair as these might be used to much hahha
Also when it comes to these black ones! :D maj god! so much happiness! hahaa
Just showing the backside of this outfit as it is going to be my birthday outfit in sweden :D haha ;D
Leggings were just £5= 50 kr
Lots of love to you guys! <3
All around London
Having my first Ice cream out in the sun, pure happiness!
Tower Bridge
Annelie taking her pictures
Having fun learning
You can be my shining star!
Time exist not for you to look back, but for you to appreciate the memories and knowing that there is a tomorrow // Quote by me :)
I nearly left the real me on the shelf...
The more I try the less it's working...
Time for another haircut I belive?
This is the bad side of having short hair, specially with my hair, It grows out to quick! :P
Need to make an appointment this week and get it sorted out! There is alot of stuff I need to take care of! ooh, where to start?!
Oh well.. have a nice day people, I'll update when I feel for it! :) See you when I see you!
Versace by H&M
Went to meet up with Annelie today and we were looking for some jewelleries for me to wear for Astrid's christening and I found these Versace shoes (By mistake) and saw that they were only £10!! Well all I can say is that I can't walk in them but I can practise! :)
£10 Im still in a chock! :P
how was your day? :)
A boring chapter
Well as you guys might have noticed, I am going to start writing in english, We will see how that will go as I am not the best person when it comes to writing, Just because I am living in the UK doesn't mean that I am really good in english :)
But hey, I will give it a go.
ok here it goes, I have now been transfered from Baker Street Canteen to Canary wharf Canteen, And how do I like it there? I love it! The people are so much more relaxed over there, probably a bit more aware of a few things but we will see how it goes :) I wish that I could work with Richard (My flatmate) As I know that I could learn ALOT from him.
However.. Im not gonna say so much more than that I will do my best to update as much as I can :)
Here are some pictures..
Hahahahaha This picture always makes me laugh so hard.. HAHA seriously just look at him being smashed hahaha for those who don't know, this is my little brother :D
Not so long ago.. omg, just look at my skin its terrible! I've actually started to use a makeup remover, facial wash and a scrub from a brand called Simple, It is amazing! who says you have to pay alot of money for facial creams etc.
A couple of weeks ago on my way to IKEA do buy some furnitures for our lovely flat :)
Time to move on..
Posers for life, Am going to miss you my little american/african girl <3
Vivi, Monica and Vivi my three girlies, a bit funny when you think about it, two americans and two scandinavians, could it get better than that?
Serving the alcohol..
After some alcohol.. tipsy moments and the weather as u can tell is AMAZING
Had Joffrey to take som pictures on us :)
He actually captured some nice ones :)
You shot me down, bang bang ;P
On my way home and feeling the alcohol and the sun a bit :P
Pose pose and once again.. POSE :)
As I am moving on from Baker Street to Canary wharf to continue my work as an assistant manager I am putting these pictures up to show you guys who are the people I am working with, lovely people that I trust, And hopefully they trust me ;)
Why I am writing this post in english? Is mainly because I want them to be able to read this post as well, What the hell I might actually start writing my blog in English instead as it is a language I speak pretty much all the time now.
Thank you for making me smile! :) <3
As I usually say.. See ya, don't wanna be ya ;)